
Whether they agree with you or not, I think more people should read your post right here. It's a very interesting perspective.

I see it as quite the opposite. All the benefits of a laptop with most of the benefits of a tablet. And the benefit of just ONE thing to remember, keep track of, manage, and without the worry of ever having the "wrong" one with you at the moment you need the other thing.

And all I said was that people who mock current IE because of the terrible version from half a decade or more ago are kind of idiots.

Since I already have all of this on my XBox ... I assume this is little more than a re-branding of Zune Music Service and ZunePass?

Your programmer buddy might want to update his opinions.

Since IE10 is slated for release in the fall, which is around when they do the XBox updates for the dashboard, I'm pretty sure that IE10 will be the basis of whatever they release on XBox. I'm betting one of the reasons that they waited so long is the standards support HTML5 thing... putting the equivalent of IE7 or

If your brain can't adapt, then you desrive mocking more than IE ever did. The criticisms are old and outdated.

IE9 is not the 'slowest' browser. In some categories, like canvass animations, it blows Chrome out of the water.

Why have to worry about, keep track of, and lug around TWO devices instead of just one?

It's too big if you're idea of using a tablet is holding one standing up while walking around. Yes.

(looking back and forth between a pic of the Macbook AIR and this thing).... You're nuts. Sorry. You're just nuts. And you're completely wrong about the 2 hours thing too.

Ask that question again this time next year...

So get the quiet, sleek XBox Slim that has been out for years now?

How's that koolaid you're drinking?

Someone needs to do an article about how if you're filming video with a phone, HOLD THE PHONE IN LANDSCAPE MODE!

I'm not loaded, but I am kinda tired of how previous laptops haven't lasted or haven't filled my needs.... my current Dell XPS15z is kind of a lemon (DVD drive doesn't read discs, and the trackpad is utterly horrible... but the screen sure is nice).

The advantage? Fewer pieces, cables, parts... no worries about having brought everything with you when you need it. I can totally see wanting and using this. I wouldn't carry around a tablet while using it anyway... I would always set it down or hold it in my lap. So this makes perfect sense to me. When I need to

One feature not yet enabled on most hardware (but will be on all new Win8 hardware) is touch-tablet support for all the same touch-screen gestures... which makes Win8 MUCH more useable on laptops without touch-screens. And clearly THIS device has a really nice big touch-pad, as well as the touch-screen. It seems

Now THAT'S what I'm talkin' about. Where's that 'TAKE MY MONEY' graphic when you need it? :-)

The reviews were not reflective of the quality or entertainment value of the movie. This frequently happens. Some movies were panned on release, and years later, lauded as classics. I'm not sure this will ever rise to the level of classic, but it was perfectly entertaining, worth seeing multiple times, made me want