Now playing

> overwhelmingly likely

Uh, no. Not when objects without visible means of propulsion are spotted on multiple radars along with the visual sightings from multiple credible witnesses who have a LOT to lose:

The killer Tesla feature is that on long trips you can Supercharge. This is extremely valuable. To my knowledge, no other manufacturer (including Chevy) has either its own high-speed DC charging infrastructure in place nor has licensed Tesla’s (which is open-source). This is positively bizarre to me at this point and

If he was dumb enough not to split the key for that amount of money via something like Shamir’s Secret Sharing Scheme, then the password couldn't have been that complicated

Oh look, a hater from the 76 hate train. How original. Lemme guess... You probably played it for 5 minutes and then returned it, and now need to rationalize your decision on all forums with all the other hate-trainers. Choo choo motherf***ers!!

I have one. Hand-resting does not throw it off at all.

Only a mentally-challenged person would buy a Lambo instead of 3 effing decked-out Teslas.