
Who gets 3rd place this year?

@plyhard13: Damn it, where is the edit button when I need it. Probably should have html'd that response...

@Mike the Dog: 625 ILCS 5/7-602 is where I got my information. I think the copy and paste you posted is someone else's synopsis right?

@Mike the Dog: I'm not arguing the point that paper is better to have than a a digital copy. I'm merely pointing out that the digital copy is technically valid as proof...whether or not it's actually accepted by the officer at the time.

@Ash78: It must be called Sully's!

@Mike the Dog: I just went to make insurance card has neither my signature nor a place for it to be signed. Is that a requirement in some states?

@Mike the Dog: Neither of your links states that a PAPER copy is required. The PA DMV site states that a copy is required. As per the second bullet on the DMV site, a copy of the declaration page is exactly what you can retrieve from most insurance company websites. What makes you think the word "copy" only applies

@radryan03: Technically, it does work everywhere. Some traffic cops are just not intelligent enough to understand basic technology, or that the word "proof" isn't confined to a 2" square piece of paper.

@econobiker: Why wouldn't it fly? Proof of insurance doesn't explicitly mean a peace of paper and ink. Proof from a secure insurance website seems more valid than an easily manipulated piece of paper.

@jbownsabmw but still wants GM to survive: I believe what happened was baby boomers started to have enough money to spend on stuff. They had questionable style and a desire to rebel against their crazy WWII era, penny-pinching parents.

@Omaxem: Will you still love me when the oil stops flowing and you run out of money?

@beercheck: Wow! I can't believe for one second you read the article and then posted that response. If anything, the article further proves the possibility of the ForTwo's claims.

I think you're forgetting that it's not in the U.S. They seem to embrace creativity over there. It may seem silly, but it's stuff like that which makes life a little more enjoyable.

You should probably read the press release. It says the GT500 and Raptor will be the first retail units and the customer gets to choose color and options. They are not selling the concept vehicle.

Don't forget to throw in the awesome Gizmondo portable game system!

I think the coolest part is that a car can do 200mph with a CLOTH top! Give that a shot with your Lambo...

Which company had more magical, unicorn technology at the show this year, BYD or Chrysler? Just think of the awesome vaporware they could create together!

I'm still having a little trouble understanding why this is so much more advanced that the decade-old EV1 technology. Shorter electric range and the addition of the gas engine is advancement? Oh wait, there are a lot more parts that need regular servicing on a gas bad.