
Has to be the worst sports article I’ve ever read. I didn’t understand anything. It was all kitsch and snark, followed by tweets, and more banal bullshit drivel. The laborious effort to blackanize the article made me think it was a Georgia cracker pretending to be black; like a stereotype of a trope of a caricature, th

In the end, we all become that which we sought to destroy...

Like some bands, SNL found a formula by 1980 and hasn’t changed it since. I thought 9/11 might push Lorne into actually saying something, but boy was I wrong. It became even more milquetoast. He’s completely fine with a 1.8 nielsen rating.

Okay!  :)

This could be a 30 page senior thesis on cultural striations in a multiracial society, cultural identity, progress in racial equity, and cute athletic people.  (not the guy, not that there’s anything wrong with it)

Never miss a chance to remind the world AI won nothing.  Nothing.  AI won nothing, not even a child support hearing.

Not to mention Boogie Nights McCTE starts off on one topic, veers off a cliff, then says stupid shit like, “that’s the way they like it here in Pittsburgh.” But as Jessie Mendoza as he is, that is, says stupid shit that means nothing in order to fill in moments between plays, it was better than listening to the two

the Squirt Stain Squad circle jerks again...

It’s not his fault.  He was born with a facial affliction.  Dickface.  The poor snod suffers from Dickface, a recognized medical condition. 


Thanks for asking.  I’m fine.   Hugs and kisses.

Wow. What a millennial reply. “Yeah, I’m wrong. But so what. It’s not like my job is writing or anything!” #momwheremypizzarolls #neverfacedachallengeinmylife #didyouknowmillennialsdiscoveredracismafterwefinallygotoffinstagramatage26

Wow. What a millennial reply.  “Yeah, I’m wrong.  But so what.  It’s not like my job is writing or anything!”  #momwheremypizzarolls #neverfacedachallengeinmylife  #didyouknowmillennialsdiscoveredracism

I heard a conversation some time ago that went something like, “I spent 10 years cleaning up that land.” To which the other guy said, “Hell, I don’t even do stuff I enjoy for 10 years.”

I heard a conversation some time ago that went something like, “I spent 10 years cleaning up that land.” To which the other guy said, “Hell, I don’t even do stuff I enjoy for 10 years.”

From “a chicken in every pot,” to “a pot for every personally chosen sexual identification.”  And libs wonder why the great Brooklyn con man won...

You know how you sometimes take a huge, satisfying shit, but then when you look down into the toilet to admire your log of respect, it’s gone?!?! You’d swear your log of admiration must have been the diameter of a spray paint can and the length of your forearm, but when you look the fucker has disappeared. Impossible,

Give us your rich, your well to do, your huddled CEO’s yearning to breath profits...

Give us your rich, your well to do, your huddled CEO’s yearning to breath profits...

This is obviously poor reporting on the author’s part. The last time there was a dick in Miami to smash, it was called an Incognito.