Plutarch X

Lucid dreaming will give you this game in ne plus ultra form for free.

Ahh, how the love has blossomed exponentially over the years is a wonder to behold…

Also seems like nobody goes to Cannibal Beach anymore.

Someday we'll find it,
the rainbow connection.

A hollow cost, a very hollow cost.

Count Frankenwolfmummy still has a chance!

That orange pig Lebowski shitter stankin' up the white sty will probably poop himself over this as well.

Make two arches.
Two golden arches.

Have a little empathy for those young'uns who grew up only knowing the internet. They can't even conceive how petty this is; because for them, it ain't—they have a different perceptual engagement with the New Aeon Cyber Cthulhu..; )

Yes, agreed…cuz in consensus reality, the murders never stop.

Jimmy don't run deep.

He proudly flashes the bung jamming thumb he utilizes when grabbing beneath the fabric of society.

Loki is heartbroken and weeps silent private tears.

It's fine.
Fine as corn silk.

Dafuq is an energy field?
Dafuq is wrong in my family?

Granny Fanny

She wants you.
Please don't break her tender heart with cruel indifference..

Racist, Rapist, Raging Cyst.

Maniacal asshole goobers allowed!

But my eyes, my eyes do have all the seeming of a demon’s that is dreaming…so that part stays.