Plutarch X

Or Debra Winger even.

You're no Jet Jaguar!

Go ahead and blame it on me son. But you know darn well you were an excitable boy and your mother and I did overindulgence as a coping mechanism to abate our soul crushing fear of your wrath.

That threshold must never be crossed lest animators be unable to control the compulsion to escalate into assorted poo portal atrocities and eventual carnal canoodling via bung rogering of cartoon canines.

Star Wars The Last Jedi
is just an anagram hiding the real title:
As Rajah Wrestled Tits

Le temps detruit tout.

In the eternal now, we are already dead.

…and she removes the earplugs that blocked out the pig grunt wheezing sounds of his lust.

…Oh I've been to Nice and the isle of Greece
While I sipped champagne on a yacht
I moved like Harlow in Monte Carlo and showed 'em what I've got
I've been undressed by kings and I've seen some things
That a woman ain't s'posed to see…
…But I, I took the sweet life and never knew I'd be bitter from the sweet
I spent my life

You are projecting the hatred and psychotic behavior of President Clownus Insanus on those who merely notice when the lunatic repeatedly shits all over the place.

Why yes, President ShytFlake Lunatic is unprofessional trash, and makes many childish and pathetic libelous attacks on journalism.

Prez Loony's handshake technique appears to be vigorously indicating that he really wants to get his 'lil pee-pee rubbed, rubbed real nice big league…

"I actually watched the whole press conference…"

Foghorn Leghorn or that chicken lawyer from Futurama?

Psychopathic naughty 'lil devil child, aren't you a rascal and a ne'er-do-well.

Some even say that this so-called "president" is a so-called "human" and not some genetic hybrid abomination of rabid pig and radioactive fecal slurry.

Make America Great Satan Again

If you click the "All Recent" view, it seems to give a better at-a-glance list of all the non-trump stuf to enjoy.

You sound fairly forgiving.

Something to facilitate the emotionally needy and psychologically petty in another asinine feeble quest full with meaningless idiocy spun as anything but pathetic and weak?