Plutarch X

He keeps em in a Ziploc next to a juicebox in his trousers, and talks to each cheerio he picks out with his tiny fingers as he nibbles.

Who can turn the ghost world on with her smile?

King Clown Insaneo approves.

Your reverent trenchant defense has not gone unnoticed.

Their assignation was beyond bunged up…

…or "Crotchrester" as some locals like to call it.

Good for you.
Let us know how your trip to Iran goes.

Guess TPTB gotta keep the impressionable younglings prepped for action in The Forever War.

Relentless agitprop for Ajit Pai.

Yah Doberman already, precious chow-chow?

I agree.

Humans and pattern recognition go together with as much ease as dog nose in dog bung.

It shows him in a rare moment of restraint.

But The Magnificent Glass Pelican is eternal…

The long tie is where he conceals his fleshlight.

He prefers to shart.

Wonder what the reincarnation logistics are like for the approximately 1.2 million dogs euthanized each year.

Kevin "doggiestyle" James gets quite enthusiastic when engaging in canine hot tub bangin' and is not known as the most considerate lover when approaching climax.

2044: "Buttfukkers"

You are in no way alone feeling such things.
It may sound trite or banal, and apologies in advance for my failures of words, but if you can make the mental/emotional perceptual shifts from Death as feared dreaded nemesis to Death as loved everyday ally, the thought patterns that arise concerning the inevitable end we