Plutarch X

…also attributed to an anonymous necromancer.

…some dancers aren't too good either.

…nor does Prancer.

If it's cancer…
…don't answer.

Jedis of the world unite.
Use the force.
Find that Kaiburr Crystal.

Any horrors we can think, seems we eventually see; games of the mind the precursor of reality.

…a patriotic secret service agent will put a bullet or two in Prez's skull if his deranged dementations drift nukewise.

Kick it!

Muffy C. Snatchpuss is in pole position for the role.

How would you like to donate your heart to a princess?

I've been waiting for you.

We need 2-1B and a bacta tank stat!

They could go and at the highlight of the act, swarm President Giant Cheeto Fetus, and give it a vigorous skull kicking abortion.

Cho chewed Harvey at gloryhole in Fresno?

He knows.
He likes it, and delights in his delusional superiority; any pain or annoyance he causes or pretends he does feeds his petty rancid ego, a stunted dull blunted dolt lumbering through the world, a shart drunk on his ingrained idiocy.

Puts you there where things are hollow.

We're gonna need the Eye of Agamotto for that…but there is a slim chance we could Macgyver something if we got our hands on that snowglobe from St Elsewhere.

Not if written/acted with nuance, like with Tilda.

Those who care have made note of the number, am debating making a call…if only to ask you to edit it out for your own peace.
Unfortunately, there is a contemptible strain of creatures who feed on others pain, and in your current open raw state, one of these things may decide you are prey, and invade your meatspace with

Wipe them out. All of them.