
This is awesome, I'm headed over to the hardware store soon enough to see about picking up a few of these flashlights.

I for one hope sprint doesn't get the iphone. I don't want to give them yet another reason to "follow" the others in the way of data caps.

@Coulter: It's pretty disgusting how some people can be.

Becoming an Al-Qaeda member, there's an app for that.

@mrisco: Yeah, but instantly, their 3g network became 4g somehow..... So now do they have the fastest 3g network? I'm confused.

I'm gonna start calling my evo the evo 5g then.

@kutara: In most states, those idiots could have been legally shot for what you call a "probably non-functional" musket. The law doesn't say you must be threatened with a "working weapon" to defend yourself.

@LukeDukem: Your math is off, way off. It's 1.21 Gigawatts.

Apple fanboys are a source of never ending entertainment. You guys buy anything and everything apple sells, even wait hours in line to get it.

This is silly, and the ITU needs to be ignored anyhow.

@steve.pye: Actually, Foxconn's suicide rate is lower than the

@minimaltek: In this economy all the developers are working, and they're being paid so well at their current companies they'll never leave....

@Seventhexile Speaks: That kid doesn't give a flying beanie baby about a damn happy meal. They don't come supersized.

Well shit. I just bought the latest issue from them for 6.95 I think. Oh well. Happy it's finally on the Kindle.

@NuevoLeon aka MiRod407: Maybe you were just too lazy to look at Apple's own site? It's like the very first thing they brag about?

@william7: That is not how sensationalist gizmodo sees it though. It's clear they didn't engaged in such a manhunt simply over a cellphone. It's because the guy ran. Run from the police, they're going to run after you.

@noamjamski: Here in Cincinnati, we're just now getting 4g. It's very spotty to say the least and seems like it's not even always on.

Wow, I'm so sick of seeing nonsense about "so and so has a tablet on the way." We've been hearing this nonsense for just about every hardware manufacturer out there, for what? Like years now??!

@I'm@work,shhhhh.: Haha, when I'm talking on my phone, I'm talking on my phone. I've never cursed the fact that I can't do data and call simultaneously. Although, now I can since I have 4g.