
I really don't care what "costs" Best Buy incurs. Not my problem. I do everything in my power to keep out of Best Buy.

I used to work with a photographer, way back in like 2004-05. And even back then he would tell me it how it was a good idea to use lower capacity cards, which seems funny to me now given the size of cards today.

Considering these people don't seem very smart, I wonder if it occurs to them that smart people are the ones to need to write the articles for wikipedia. If all people solely rely on wikipedia, eventually, who will write the articles?

I agree with the folks who say Google should step up and join the blackout. Unfortunately I think it may be too disruptive to blackout, gmail, etc. But they should blackout YouTube. A facebook blackout wouldn't be too disruptive either, and IMO facebook should do it even if just for one hour!!!

It seems to work just fine in Chrome. It installs like an actual printer, all you need to do is select it from the printer dialog.

There are likely rules set up by ICANN to prevent such things.

I'm pulling my domain, suppose I'll do it on the 29th!!!

The text of their denial kills me. They bold things as if they're yelling at us because we just don't get it.

It's quite humorous these scummy bags of trash claim they know what drains our battery, yet our batteries still tank sometimes so badly.

I love the idea of watching this sorry excuse for a company implode. The sooner the better.

My nephew has this phone, just found out it definitely has CIQ. I'm livid.

Anyone who thinks that the object in those photos is not an alien is batshit crazy.

Has nothing to do with batteries "needing that much care." It is hard on a lithium ion battery to fully discharge it. LI batteries are better off being charged frequently.

Not only do they pay postage, but I'd imagine (IANAL) that there is some law stating they can't really decided who gets to send mail and who doesn't (generally speaking).

LMAO, I also have one.......

Exactly, when we had a problem with our name being associated with a competitors phone number and address I couldn't for the life of me figure out how to change it. It was some time ago. But I decided I was done messing around and spammed any email address I could find on including email for investor

Problems with Google Places for business is nothing new. My mom owns a florist and at one point someone tagged the name of her store to another florist's address and phone number. One that used to be not far from here (since has closed - legitimately not just per Google), and was a very direct customer. In fact we

More specifically as the source article states, the rights are own by Warner Brothers, and Time Warner is the parent company. Has absolutely zero to do with Time Warner Cable, you're right!

Good point, they'll cap the hell out of us. If this is true though, at all... It'll be hard for me to continue to hate Apple!

The guy with the garden hose was awesome...... Seriously, you're not the fire department and you don't have a big enough hose, go back inside.