
Yeah, this article seems like a whole lot of garbage.

I was not going to get these at all thanks to the glacial walking pace and battle speed, but the hype today surrounding Sun/Moon made me consider getting Blue after all—until I saw something that made me change my mind.

We only got ~70 Pokemon this gen so far, so you can’t assume we’ll even get close to 900 with the next game. We could just get another 70 and still not even be at 800.

I did a ton of grinding like you, but I wish I had waited. Now, post-game, I have three PlatinumNumemon (each holding at least one Technician USB), and I’m able to get ~120k experience each battle, which is a huge step up from the 6k I was excited about when I was trying to get Lilithmon. If you can, hold off until

That windmill/graph puzzle is the same as another set of puzzles toward the beginning of the game; it’s just represented differently. Here’s a hint: it has to do with the tree that’s right above that puzzle.