Girlfriend needs some toner for that brass STAT! You’d think she would know that by now...
Girlfriend needs some toner for that brass STAT! You’d think she would know that by now...
The world is full of people who talk too much and do too little. Everyone seems to be down with raising ‘awareness’ but when it comes to the crunch, and they have to put something on the line to make it meaningful, they don’t (see Bono).
Let’s just say that as a card carrying jewish homosexual with the added joy of chronic and medication resistant bipolar, I encounter people doing this on the daily for a variety of reasons. I never suggested the sentiment behind the gesture was invalid, simply injecting himself into it was tone deaf and could have…
He is making something that’s not about him, about him, and attempting to come off as a good guy because of it. It could have actually had some power if he hadn’t felt the need to not so subtly inject his ‘not gayness’ into it. It’s kinda like when Tyra went undercover as a plus size woman, or anyone who has spent 30…
I’m no expert, but I think it’s the suggestion that the Clinton Foundation took money from ‘brown people’, and thus must automatically have become their puppets, performing quid pro quo favours, and generally acting in the worst interest of ‘murrica’ because of it....
Ashley, I’m thinking that given every waking moment of his day is going to be diarised and FOI-able, sometime in the not too distant future the frequency and length of his hair appointments are going to prove to be most educational. That and his anonymous controlling interest in a secret fake tanning conglomerate.
Preach! My father is a bit of a young looking silver fox, and we don’t look a whole lot alike, so when I was in my early 20s having a vaguely twinky stage, I was very conscious of the fact he looked like he could be my sugar daddy. It felt totally awkward.
Don’t drop the soap, your top bunk advantage may be lost ;-)
I’m so sorry. Reading this breaks my heart :-(
I read it as more she was asking for time to be scheduled in her routine to to view those shows, rather than what times they air. Hillz doesn’t strike me as being so useless, (or pretending to be, as any former assistant in the world will tell you!) she can’t google tv listing...
If Donald Trump were ever in porn he would be the gimpy guy down on his hands and knees lapping up the leakage from a well ploughed arse. His erotic worth and necessity to the scene are so low, they don’t even bother to film his cum shot.
It was the summer after graduation, before heading off to university, and I had literally only just discovered alcohol about three weeks beforehand. I grew up in a totally dry household. My parents never touched a drop, so naturally my drinking IQ was quite low, and my only experience of intoxication involved being…
I live around the corner from a Starbucks in Central Melbourne, and I have to admit to a more than occasional cheeky visit. It’s the only place I know that will do me a literal bucket of Sunday morning coffee (five shot, venti, soy flat white) when I’m hungover, and it’s only $5.40AUD, and no judgment from an…