
His lawsuit must be financed by Peter Thiel, right?

And tonight on HBO: the last five years of Bowie’s life. I got a Kleenex box just beside me.

I was coming here to say that. Bowie was 2 years ago. I’m still in denial.

The tune of her 1967 hit “Comme d’habitude” was adapted by singer/songwriter Paul Anka for Frank Sinatra’s “My Way.”

White privileged people playing at being poor...

How dare they indeed!

They are amazing live.

I love you!

Now playing

That’s some girly music for you, you asshole Bono.

Dear Bono,

Damn you’re a cat whisperer or something. None of my cats past and present would be trained to fetch. They just scream at me when they’re hungry. Then they sleep. You’re good!

Beware The Slenderman. I saw that doc on HBO Canada

Poor Henry died when 12-pack-a day-of-diet-Coke-with-Big Macs-and-Fillet-O-Fish Drumpf is still alive. Dammit.

She’s the only Katherine in my heart!

Come to Québec.

Katherine. Such a regular name (from a movie star). Love it! Congrats Mindy!

Québec wants it to make it competitive with the black market, at around 8$ 10$ a gram, delivered to your home. It’s around 6$ on the black market. But that has to be tax included, we don’t know yet, or the Hells will still operate a profitable business. And top quality: some tomato greenhouses are already converting

In Québec they created a new branch of la SAQ (Société des Alcohols du Québec, province-run) to sell weed. At first through a website because they can’t hurry enough to create distinct boutiques to see the stuff. I personally can’t wait to check the variety offered.

Not only will weed be legalized, most of provincials governments will become the weed dealers. In Québec, at first, we’ll be able to order weed through a website and delivered to your door. Oh que oui!