Plume de Guerre

She might not physically be on stage but if the lights flicker, a gust of wind extinguishes a candle, and a raven caws, we’ll know Marianne is here.

My guess was "I'm Too Sexy"

Voicing the new Amazon Rainforest firefighting cartoon character Smokey the Eye?

Brain Aneurysm: “Hold my beer.

This is going to make Bret so bugged.

In gentlemanly times they would’ve dueled by blunderbuss right then and there.

I’d take Cardi B’s endorsement over Richard Trumpka any day.

Lol when it comes back the other way.

Why call kuntz first when you have so many nice people in your phone?

+1 hitpoints

Primarily cheez-its.

Hang on, what was Greenland retailing for again? I really can’t wrap my head around any number larger than my own measly salary.

“Stop heat-shaming the planet!”

Oh, I only saw it once as a kid. And could never figure out what was supposed to be happening.

“All right, is he at zee beach? Finally we can get zome vork done..."

Wouldn’t it be easier to spin the Earth so fast the other way that we go back in time?

It would be safer for everyone involved if we just subsidized Elon’s daily ayahuasca enemas so he was simply under the impression he was traveling through the galaxy.

Fake things: