Plume de Guerre

Vampires in all likelihood.

“Hahaha, I’m 1000 years old and still a boss! What could possibly go wrong?

“I must return to my comic book store, where I dispense the insults rather than absorb them.”

“Smells like this cold case...”

Wearing any light-colored pants guarantees that I’ll immediately spill something in my crotch.

C’mon, Richie. That’s no way to get a head in life.

Maybe Jean-Pierre Jeunet can get Dominique Pinon and Ron Perlman together for the eventual Netflix series.

Some quick back of the envelope math, and a question:

The only facial recognition I’m comfortable with occurs during hour two of the AVN Awards.

“Hacked by a blind woodsman..."

We’re not in Kansas anymore.

Perhaps he noticed a black cat nearby?

Maybe they were unveiling an in-house pole?