During my fathers time it was: “This is a white mans war.”
During my fathers time it was: “This is a white mans war.”
This was a painful, depressing read.
Or wabbits.
I want so much to reply to this, but I just don’t know how.
I see that the list of functioning lunatics is growing each and every day.
“Detectives worked for nearly 24 hours straight to bring this case to a resolution” Ahhahahahahaaaahah. Please tell me how much work they had to do when all the evidence was staring them in the face. Please. Stop. You’re killing me here. Hoooooooooo boy. I think I hurt myself. But, seriously. Negative impact? Is that…
It might be because he seems to have lazy eye with his right eye or the pupil in that eye seems noticeable smaller than the other. Just something I noticed during the close-ups, otherwise all right show with potential.
Hey. Wait just a minute here. This is what I just read for the fourth time:
“Taking a knee is disrespectful to whiteness.”
Taint worth talking about.
A brief explanation from Wikipedia.
That was beautiful to watch.
“If you’re not about that, you need to stay away from people like that,” which is what we have been trying to tell white people since the days of slavery until Charlottesville, Va.: If you’re riding with the white supremacist, we’re just going to assume you’re a white supremacist, too.”
Why don’t we all wait and see how this plays out before making any accusations. I’m sure there’s more to this than we are being told. (He said rolling his eyes at no on one in particular.)
Yeah. So much for that “liberty and justice for all” thing. Which can be so annoying to some of the whitety white persuasion.
She zoomed in on him because he was old and weak and being black was a bonus. Easy prey. She spotted him from a distance and started salivating at the prospect of taking him down.
Lordy. Lordy. Lordy. Somebody gets it. But you might disagree with me on this one. Lawrence only likes Lawrence. His needs come first. His seemingly naivete is a mask.
Vodka/soda works on just about anything. At any time. With or without ice.
I guess you’re not familiar with stereotyping.
Yes indeedy do. I do agree.