
This was my thinking, basically Daggerfall 2? I mean, that’s fine, but I think a lot of us (especially the Morrowind-stans) would like them to embrace the more exotic lands of Tamriel, Valenwood, Summerset Isles, Elswyer, those kinds of places. One of Oblivion’s (many) problems was that it was generic European high

Kyrie and all the picks to the Pelicans for Davis. Boston can keep around Rozier to run point. Then you’ve got Hayward, Brown, Tatum, Horford, and Davis as your top 5. That’d be illllllll.

When Hayward comes back, get ready for all the Quincy brawhs rocking their Hayward jerseys...

What I find interesting is how deep Ford was in all this. We kind of presume that he was all over it, but Delos seemed to be playing these cards pretty close to the chest.

The hosts are engineered people with AI programming directing them. What Jim Delos was is an engineered person with the original Jim Delos’s mind transferred into it (presumably via some kind of code conversion). Spitballing but from what William says, it seems the problem may lie with the conversion from human mind

Is it weird that I’m way more into RajWorld than WestWorld? I’d much prefer a genteel G&T in Faux-Calcutta, followed by elephant rides, than dusty ass Sweetwater.

This is a way interesting concept. I mean, the same can be said for Westworld in a sense (what’s a First Nations/Native American to do?) but we currently live in an era with billionaire Chinese and Indian oligarchs (not many NA oligarchs that spring to mind, sadly). SamuraiWorld probably is a good setting for East

Like rly? This doesn’t seem very historically accurate to me.

Just to point out that Russia’s transitions while under autocratic power have been pretty alright, presuming you’re not one of the Politburo. Sure Stalin killed a lot of folks, but it wasn’t really part of him taking power so much as consolidating and for a lot of other (made up) reasons. Khrushchev took over

Oh, you sweet summer child.

I could never get into Red Cliff, so I’m so happy to see Woo semi-back where he belongs, with overwrought dialogue and insane gun fights.

It’s AMAZING how poorly their public responses to this have gone, when it should be pretty simple

Your points are certainly valid, and I was over generalizing a bit. I have no inherent problems with the visual storytelling medium, perhaps I should have been more specific and said superhero comics, especially those which the mainstream folks (like me) primarily associate with Marvel/DC. Walking Dead is literally

I haven’t bothered seeing it yet, I’m weary of Superhero movies. But honestly you’re acting like your shocked at all these heroes dying, when 3/4ths if not all of them will be back in the next movie. Also, like this is some big thing? Garbage ass BvS killed Supes to resurrect him the next movie.

Like, I’m liberal and woke for a Texan, but I disagree with a little bit of this. First off, isn’t “saggy” pants a literal description? I disagree with discriminating against people wearing them (i.e. no saggy pants) but that phrase in itself isn’t inaccurate.

Can I get her doing the whole song? That was fucking great.

Re-reboot...they already did so once and I think it only lasted like 8 episodes.


Cool! I’m planning to file, but I’m in a bit of a grey area with regard to purchasing, as I bought my fatty PS3 pre-owned from an authorized Playstation retailer (GameStop). From my reading, pre-owned status isn’t accounted for as long as it’s from an authorized retailer, as the term “new” isn’t anywhere in the long

Playing on PS4, I hadn’t heard anything of this game before the Kotaku post about it’s 20gig 1.1 launch patch. I read that and googled it a bit and bought it on launch day.