
Jose Bautista is goddamned delightful and is part of what makes baseball fun to watch. I feel sorry for these unwritten rules clutching sandbags that can’t see that.

I think that is how most people feel. I am just not ready to give up hope yet that it will be Bernie. I am phone banking for him tomorrow and going to the rally in my area. I am a big ole Lefty McLeftykins though, and I know that it isn’t a position shared by everyone. :-)

WAY too many of these “Don’t be a fraidy cat of my gun” intimidater types don’t have the FIRST CLUE as to how to store or handle them safely.

It’s time for mandatory education before purchase, ‘cause these people just aren’t getting it done.

Hillary has really earned that Black vote.

excellent post.

substitute racism for sexism, and you get 2016's “bernie bros”.

if she wins the nomination, i’ll vote for her come november because i’m not a dumb, punkass sellout. but i’ll be doing so while partially holding my nose.

Now playing

Wow. Hillary is still hoisting herself by her own petard in 2016! Clinton can’t seem to quit damning herself with her Dino campaign stances, untruthful cough*Bernie voted against auto bailout*cough smears, and worst of all using her VP Candidate surrogate to hurl Racist Black Insults to the same President Obama she’s


That was really good. Hill needs some smack downs like that these days.

this is one of the many faves of his show - I miss him man :(

God I miss him so damn much.