
I always thought they did come from the same artist as they all have the same exact style.

Apparently if you bought 4 games from the Playstation Store and have 128 Rare trophies (which rarity changes as more people play the games, becoming more common) then you will be given priority.  Looks like if prefer physical its the back of the line for you.

Is 80,000 really the most subscribers a Twitch streamer has ever had? That feels shockingly low considering some people make millions on that site.

Honestly it makes sense that they aren’t compatible.  The PSVR games were developed using light tracking as its control method.  The PSVR2 completely abandons that structure so for them to work the game would have to be reprogrammed.

How much more preachy can you get?

Prey was originally planned and budgeted for a theatrical release. The only reason it went straight to Hulu is due to Disney buying 20th Century Fox and part of that deal included already planned or filmed movies under that banner be sent straight to streaming. Also want to point out that there are multiple accounts

Hey I am all for China’s lax copyright laws, otherwise I wouldn’t be able to get all the cool third part transformers of characters that Hasbro hasn’t touched in decades.

Seriously, there is no other possible entry that can be claimed to be the best. Black Flag is the pinnacle of Assassin’s Creed, before it got bogged down into a weird RPG series.

It also looks like it has extra paddles/buttons on the front underneath the analog sticks.

Jamie Fox’s character calls Snoop Dogg’s character Black Cowboy in the film

Are you talking USD because if you are I think you got ripped off.  Miles Morales was only $50USD at launch by itself, not $60.  Also if you have the regular version of Miles Morales on PS5 you can get the PS5 remaster of the first game through the games menu for $20.

Don’t forget Sanaa Lathan in Alien vs Predator and Reiko Aylesworth in AVP Requiem.

Maybe they cast the best actor for the role and didn’t want to bog her down with hours of make up. 

Yeah one poster just keeps attacking people over and over because they disagree with the article.  Very sad.

Just because they put it in the headline doesn’t make it true in the slightest.  Apparently the author is only interested in queer themed D&D podcasts and streams.  That’s fine, watch what you want to watch, but don’t say the stuff you watch is solely responsible for a decades old roleplaying game’s popularity.  That

I got a 5TB one for $80USD a couple years back and a 2TB SSD, haven’t had to worry about space in a long time. Plus until someone gets an SSD for the PS5 you can transfer the PS5 games to the External Hard Drive. You can’t play the PS5 games on the External but it opens up space on the internal SSD and it is faster

Plus he openly admits to “stylizing” his game after Kingdom Hearts, which also did a music fighting level in Dream Drop Distance!

Just another bad take by Kotaku in a loooong list of them.

I love how in the middle of this article about Quiet being used as just a sexual object is a promoted ad for Raid Shadow Legends that is just a close up of a woman’s butt in tight pants. This is almost as good as the time Kotaku had an article condemning the game “Journey to the Savage Planet” for using the word

I didn’t think this was real so I had to look it up to be sure. Not only is it real but it lasted longer than the original show by 3 episodes!