Only the PS5 version though. The PS4 version is just the base game.
Only the PS5 version though. The PS4 version is just the base game.
Honestly I am happy about this finally shutting down. My friends were obsessed with this game since it entered beta and it was the only thing they would ever play no matter what ever other game I suggested. This game was just not fun for me at all but I played it anyways since we don’t have as many opportunities to…
I actually thought they could get away with that since they changed the timeline in S2. Basically once they were back to 2019 the changes would finally take effect on them. They could have also made it so Luther wasn’t part gorilla anymore, I feel so bad that the actor has to wear such a giant muscle suit all the…
Do people really think that Dead Island 2 is going to come out? It has changed developers 3 times. Even the first game’s spiritual successor Dying Light came out and got its own sequel released in between Dead Island 2 getting announced and now.
I think a good way to incorporate Trigger Warnings into games due to their interactivity is to make them optional in the main menu. The info would be available to those that want to see it but not intrusive for those who don’t and don’t want anything spoiled.
You can make any two tv/film characters look like they are attracted to each other with the right editing, doesn’t make it true. Hell Community literally pointed this out in their first clip show episode.
Everything this guy did is terrible and he should definitely have his professional gaming career be over and I hope that someday he truly sees the error of his ways but something in this article just seems off to me that I need to ask. Why did you describe the closet as “very white”? Are white closets now perceived…
THPS1+2 is amazing. Get it immediately. Still hoping for a 3+4 remake or expansion pack.
So does this only happen when you buy PS+ discounted through the PS store? I bought a couple years worth of PS+ a while back on Black Friday from Amazon for $30 per year. I hope this doesn’t affect me since this wasn’t some exploit but bought it on stale from a 3rd party retailer.
It doesn’t really have any similarities to Dead by Daylight but does to the other games, Left 4 Dead in particular. DBD maps are much smaller than these games, in all the other games the evil player levels up as they play, and the survivors can actually fight unlike DBD. Not much point in mentioning DBD when it is a…
No this guy actively sucks. First he puts out an article about vague similarities between a recent movie and a indie developer’s game but makes it about his race to such an extent that the developer calls him out on it. Now he is spoiling part of a movie that was only released 12 hours ago.
It apparently was big on TikTok for a week 2 years ago and he made a Patreon for it but it is not doing crazy well from what I can tell. I really doubt Sam Raimi uses TikTok or cares about gaming in general for him to have seen this game. My guess is that he wanted to do something fun creatively with his long time…
The asylum when Marc/Steven were patients was Limbo. The asylum when Harrow was a patient was the real world. The lighting was different, with a yellowish tint in the real world. I think they just reused the set real quick for the post credits scene for easier filming.
I hate this stupid argument about Iron Man. He was definitely more of a B-Lister. Not well known to the general public but anyone who knew about super hero comics knew who Iron Man was. Had his own solo monthly comic continuously for over 50 years. Founding member of the Avengers, Marvel’s main super hero team. Major…
If I didn’t know this was Viola Davis I would honestly think that someone was doing blackface of Michelle Obama. Like wow this somehow comes off as extremely offensive.
I have never encountered this problem at all in my 25 years of gaming. I play exclusively on PlayStation and Nintendo consoles so maybe this is a PC issue? None of the games I have played on PS5 have had this issue so I don’t see why people are so excited for this feature but whatever makes them happy.
The description for the season says in between seasons 3 and 4 only SIX MONTHS have passed
They did and he responded with “I have never seen one episode of that show”
Of course you won’t be able to play those games anymore. Why would Sony let you keep playing games that are part of their subscription service? You aren’t actually “buying” anything, just renting them.
It is the smarter move on Sony’s part though. Most people interested in this service will be in it for the PS4/PS5 games, rather than retro games (yes PS3 games are now retro as it was 2 gens and 1 decade ago, we are all old now). By making the newer games the mid-tier it will get way more people to subscribe to the…