
My favorite last week was the evilness of Joss Whedon for cheating on his wife and how devastatingly fatal to the earth he was and should die. Then a lesbian chimed in that she cheats on women, too, because everybody cheats on everybody. The Jez hive mind did not know what to do with that and presumably brains were

What the fuck is wrong with this comment thread? Maybe Teal will think twice next time she wants to say some horrible racist shit.

Somebody hungry for a knuckle sandwich and a bottle of punch?

Not to nitpick, but an actual Normal Person’s Guide to Training for A Marathon would just consist of “Don’t.”

Late lunch is the only answer. If you leave for lunch at 1 or 2, then you have less of the day to come back to. HOW DOES EVERYONE NOT KNOW THIS?

People who get to the front of the line and still don’t know what they want can go to hell. It’s a fast food place, they only serve but a couple different items. There are massive, brightly-colored menus, with pictures! That you can look at while you are in line.

As a late luncher, it’s not about being too busy, it’s about hating other people.

To the dude eyebanging the uneaten eggroll, how fucking bankrupt is the communication between you and your fiance that you can’t even ask about eating one of her appetizers? If you can’t communicate over food your marriage is fucking doomed.

Did we fart that much when we were kids? I felt like I would take one crap a day and that’s about it and almost never fart. Now...pretty much the opposite.

I can’t even begin to fathom what the fart profile of that combination is.

I used to routinely eat an entire entemanns devils food cake at one sitting. I have the diabetes now, but god was it worth it

I’m pretty sure you can get fired if they feel you are abusing it.

I’ve never worked under this policy, but seen it while job hunting. My understand is that you negotiate/ask for your time off with your manager, and they’re supposed to approve it if your work is getting done, you’re following the rules, et cetera.

Just wait until an “unlimited PTO” company gets in a bind with a special needs parent who’s legitimately taking good advantage of the policy.

Citrus grower here. It really comes down to how productive the plant is; a massive calamondin tree with hundreds of fruit should be ripe for anyone’s picking (heh, heh) and you’re a complete asshole if you have one out front and give anyone shit for grabbing a few. Ditto if you have, like we do, a pair of massive

Yeah. My daughter is disabled and on a state Medicaid waiver program, which charges a parental fee based on a sliding scale. I still pay about $6500/year for the parental fee, but it acts as a secondary insurance that picks up everything our primary insurance doesn’t. It is a lifesaver, and I rarely if ever post about

Bert and Ernie are muppets, not Muppets. Any puppet that came out of Jim Henson’s workshop is a muppet, but only those appearing on the Muppet Show are proper noun Muppets. It’s not a hard distinction, folks.

Does anyone else think ketchup on burgers is blasphemous and disgusting? Like, I only resort to ketchup if a shitty burger is otherwise unsalvageable. I am well aware I might be in the minority here, but to me, ketchup is for hot dogs and fries.