
This is the best Deadspin post ever, and I say that as a long-time Deadspin fanboy.

That is a very unscientific attitude and just plain wrong. For starters, food processing is not inherently unhealthful. Pretty much all food is processed to some degree or another. There is indications that foods which are processed to contain high degrees of pure sugars or starches might have some unhealthful effects

Uh...Literally every ingredient in fried chicken is naturally occurring...Flour, oil, egg, chicken, salt, pepper..Did you forget your medicine today?

“While being pretty positive this is a troll comment”

Because it calls out your ridiculously broad assertion that “barely any food processing is ever good for you”?

Natural =/= good.

“or how black people were happier when they were slaves”

Okay, now we know you are not to be taken seriously. “Anyone who disagrees with me

MSG is found naturally in a number of vegetables, fungi, and other foods, and the idea of “bologna” being processed is nonsense. Like anything, it’s the quality of what you buy. Bologna is only processed in that it’s meat that is ground very fine, and then cooked solid. Higher quality deli bologna’s have little more

This study, and the reporting on it, has all the normal problems of science journalism.

Yeah, but it should still work fine plugged into the wall. Lets say you have 2000mah in the battery, and a buck converter that can supply 1a. If you have a power spike of 2a for a minute, the battery even in a half discharged state should supply the difference for the 2a spike which even a 1000 mah battery could do.

Why, because he didn’t sign with them? Because they didn’t waive him? They’re butthurt about all of this because they overplayed the situation. They thought, ‘Alright we’ll threaten to waive him, and he’ll be out the rest of the season with no income, and come next year, he’ll be fighting to get a contract from a team

And the Packers didn’t? Can you take one account at face value while wholly dismissing the other? My thought is there’s shreds of truth in both, so take out the superlatives, remove the spin and you’re left with a team covering their wallet and a player unwilling to get more hurt for the team when his presence on the

Hey Deadspin, I’m a female! Females get head, too!

An opinionated, Stanford-educated black man playing in Green Bay would go over with that fanbase about as well as salads, cardio workouts and a realistic understanding of corporate ownership structure.

He looks like Nickelback’s dad.

Tier 2? No, not god-tier, but not that bad either.

I’m just slightly obsessed with his hypermobile fingers.

The Ryan family coaching tree is actually a bonsai Rob keeps in his van next to the foldout bed because “chicks dig that spiritual shit”