
Don’t be obtuse. Blest is actively encouraging people to seek out personal information on US citizens who are exercising their rights simply because he doesn’t like it. That’s not journalism, that’s fueling hatred and if some violent leftist wacko takes Blest’s advice, then uses this database to find and commit

“It is not doxxing. But not everyone knows how to access that information, so we’ve decided to put together a guide for you to find out who in your community has given thousands of dollars to Donald Trump, or really any other political candidate.”

“That seems to be the common ground.”

“3)Move to a civilized nation where it is easier to buy a beverage than a firearm or to join the Army and kill people for the benefit of the international oil cartel.”

“Kids absolutely need to go to school.”

“Getting rid of 100% of student loans”

From you and everyone else that actually pays taxes in the US.

Conservative martyr gets stripped of crown.

That doesn’t get them to a poll booth and voting Democrat fast enough.


We have laws and a judicial system that handles criminal acts by US citizens, who have a legal right to reside in the US.

“How to Help Immigrants During an ICE Raid”

I think they probably know their sister better than you or I and there is probably a history of behavior that they haven’t discussed here.

Seven years ago when I lived on the edge of Fishtown/Kensington I wouldn’t have agreed with you, but now I think you’re spot on. The only places to go then were Johnny Brendas, Barcade and Frankford Hall. I actually just moved from Fairmount a few weeks ago and I already miss it.

“But they also serve as a reminder of how easily Trump can exploit fissures between moderate and progressive members of the Democratic Party to pursue his goal of dividing the country along racial—and racist—lines.”

And the progressive left Dems in Washington think that anything right of Stalin is a fascist. Not only is it lost on them that they themselves are fascist, but it’s also lost on them that they are the reason the Dem party is crumbling, not the centrist Dems.

You’re confusing Trump with Clinton in this case.

What are you going to do exactly?

News flash! Progressives throw down race card for umteenth time in reaction to something they don’t like.

“I have seen a ton of Redford’s films...