“I know those who’d argue: “Just do your job,” but this isn’t a job I’ll hold forever and I’d hate myself if I served someone who’s destructive to all I stand for. How would you handle this?”
“I know those who’d argue: “Just do your job,” but this isn’t a job I’ll hold forever and I’d hate myself if I served someone who’s destructive to all I stand for. How would you handle this?”
So is paying a foreign spy to meet with their high ranking Russian friends in order to dig up dirt on your political opponent not a wayward scheme?
What’s perplexing is that people think Trump was in bed with the Russians when it was Hillary Clinton and the DNC that actually paid to have someone ask the Russians for dirt on Trump.
You forgot to mention that American’s don’t give a rat’s ass what you think of Americans.
You sound exactly like every conservative that spewed this type of nonsense for eight years between 2008 and 2016.
“The former FBI director has hardly appeared in public throughout the course of his two year investigation.”
So you advocate spitting on people you don’t like or agree with. I’m sure that you’d be perfectly OK with being spit on by people who don’t like or agree with you, right? Can you be any more petty and juvenile?
“Nope. Just war. Noone ever asks “But how will we pay for the upcoming War in Iran?””
Do these debates come with free circus peanuts?
I find it interesting that someone who is unabashedly racist, and makes a living writing articles I’m sure he believes qualifies him to claim he’s fighting the good fight against racism, also belittles people of his own race when their views don’t mesh with his own.
“Meghan McCain finally snapped and called Joy Behar, her frequent nemesis and co-host, a “bitch.””
“But if this House hearing on Wednesday goes as planned, Buzzfeed News reports that not only will “remedies” for the descendants of our enslaved ancestors be considered, so will a national apology for the heinous past staring at America in the rearview mirror.”
““For centuries, America’s economic rise relied on treating millions of Black people as literal property,” Sen. Sanders said in the statement.”
Were you born with that self-righteous chip on your shoulder or did it come with your degree in Virtue Signalling?
“And if he really is a minor and a 20 something youth pastor is subtly making moves on him”
It’s not you, it’s Buzzfeed. When Buzzfeed isn’t busy being an irrelevant, out of touch media outlet, it’s busy pretending it isn’t.
Is there going to be a follow up article titled ‘Writers Who Pass Their Opinions Off As Facts’?
““Strong bipartisan backing” is never going to materialize, I’m sorry to say, because the Republican Party will never abandon their big, beautiful, wet president.”
“some people don’t like their money being donated to homophobic organizations.”
“Fox News Host Tries and Fails to Save Kirsten Gillibrand From Continuing to Make an Ass Out of Herself.”