Pliny the 20something

“...a spectacularly horrible moment when Johnson stops the film in its tracks to provide a ruthlessly on-the-nose lesson about economic inequality and the military-industrial complex, and I hate this all the more for the film’s message in this moment being one I passionately agree with - if something has to be artless

Thank you for posting this! I especially appreciate you pointing out how weird it was for Protestants to support Catholic religious art - even when most of them didn’t realize that’s what they were doing (I was raised Protestant and I’m now Anglican. I had no idea who St. Veronica was or why she was in the movie till

You are very clever for asking.

My Community notification was nullified by “Greenland.”

Woah I thought I was the only person in the world who thought this.

ACTUALLY the strings are playing glissandi détaché, not staccato. *adjusts glasses*

It dominated the first film because there was a fear in the early 80s that Asian culture was going to dramatically overtake and supplant American culture. No idea if they want to continue with that prediction in this sequel but early indications are no. A lot of the imagery in the trailers actually reminds me of the

Eh you’re just jealous you haven’t had your dick yanked by some mom.

Yes, I was paid. But now that my contract is up, I don’t think I want to comment on this website anymore.

Seriously, what has happened to this website??? I feel like I’m posting on Reddit.

“Assholes” read: privileged white dudes:

Who let Ted Cruz onto the baby animal account???



If you only spent $20, sure.

If you only spent $20, sure.

My real name is Vivian and I'm a dude.

My real name is Vivian and I'm a dude.