
No, she was definitely lying about that. I'm not sure what this has to do with anything, though.

Look, I don't want to see anymore photos of your fat, acne-scarred face, nor of your wrinkled, methed-out, hobo-looking "father" with stains on his shirt. These photos could be of anyone and the person on the right definitely looks white. Also, whether you're white or not has no effect on the wrongness and illogic of

If your ass looks anything like my face, then you have a really good-looking ass. But how did you get your ass to look like my face? Did you carve my visage into it with a steak knife? Or did you tattoo my face onto your ass? Regardless, I'm flattered. Enjoy.

I'm not making an "argument"; I'm pointing out that I think you're lying. More to the point, your attempt at equivalence is false and invalid because it is by definition impossible to appropriate culture from the ruling class. White people are the ruling class, and people of color are not. So, this article's criticism

You're a face ass.

Well, for starters we don't know what she was intoxicated with; it could have been something besides alcohol/marijauana. Second, there is no evidence that the three men with the complainant took her to a hospital. It seems in your attempt to lecture others on not jumping to conclusions, you jumped to a few of your own!

"I'm not even white, I'm native american"

And you gave the author exactly what he wanted by clicking on this article.

You can't get enough can you? You just keep coming back for more. You're a glutton for punishment.

Right. Unless, of course, the person says it's not hateful.

"I say: Don't call yourself something you're not prepared to be called. Period."

The identity of the person interacting with you can matter a great deal.

You are trying to act like you don't care. If you didn't really care, then you wouldn't have responded to any of my comments. I would say that you care a lot.

"It's how idiotic double standards occur, like rap music using the n-word"

I'm not saying they have to ask us; I'm saying they get to decide whether we can be involved and what our involvement entails.

How about the person who owns the exclusive rights to the tweet?

1st sentence: As long as he's not breaking any laws, technically, yeah, he can.

Your troll won't work on me. Hopefully no one else will fall for it either.

I don't know if you are lying or not about being half Chinese, but if you are then that is between you and your fellow Asian-Americans.

You do realize that Asian-Americans can call themselves whatever they want, right? As non-Asian-Americans, it's none of our business what they call each other.