I think it’s time we go Lysistrata on their asses.
I think it’s time we go Lysistrata on their asses.
Yes, far better than I’m capable of, frankly.
What the actual fresh hell.
Oh it’s gorgeous, I’d just never want to live there.
Seriously between that and the nutbag right’s increasing attempts to legislate women’s ownership of their own bodies I’m wondering how far we have to go until we qualify for refugee status in other countries.
that’s what scares me the most, is that these aren’t even like.. famous people, or radical people, or anything like that.
You know what the worst of this is? The fact that it’ll happen again. And again. And again. As night follows day, it’ll happen again. There are people walking around today who, in a day or a week or a year or two years who will be shot dead by some dude with a gun and nothing holding him back. It could be you, reading…
As always, the biggest tragedy is all the currently-innocent gun owners who now feel a redoubled sense of threat from the thought of having their toys taken away.
*packs bags*
LIVE! Killed LIVE and on the air! We now have people being MURDERED on live TV. We have CHILDREN being murdered in their classrooms. Nothing gets done. We, as a country, through our inaction have said this is A-OKAY. Just another day in the beautiful United States! Let freedom ring and god bless America and her guns!
I have no words. It’s scary how we can die at any time. Nobody deserves to die like this. America is becoming a scary place. You walk somewhere and you don’t know if some lunatic will carry out a shooting, and that’s it. Gone. Shameful that this sort of thing can happen. Get your shit together, America.
I am honestly sorry you had to watch that video, Anna, because I will not be. This is just horrific.
Her hinky meter was sending her signals AND he was telling her she was “crazy”. Like, literal crazy. He was gaslighting her.
Don’t care. If its going to be a show about two rich people in an interracial relationship its going to have zero to do with the way 99% of us experience interracial relationships.