
Pretty fucked up to talk about women—even women you don't like—as merely being things to stick a dick into.

Flesh receptacles? As in, vessels to be filled with flesh? That's what you feel comfortable calling these five women?

When I was 14 or 15, I participated in a summer live-in college prep program at the local university. There were, IIRC, 125 other high-school kids, along with a dozen or so staff and instructors. At the beginning of the program, they distributed a whole lot of paperwork that most people never read, including a list of

I made my husband think our baby was going to be a girl, when I knew I was having a boy.

That I was orgasming.

Yes, and I find that exact phenomenon that you are describing to be endemic to conservatives and Republicans (and Libertarians). They are only empathic and progressive on a specific issue if it affects them or their immediate family personally (I call it "Dick Cheney/Rob Portman Syndrome"). Like the politician who

There are many more independents and liberals here in the heartland than Mike Huckabee wants to admit. He already knows it but that just didn't fit on the banner that he fingerpainted with Scott Walker and Rick Perry during Arts and Crafts hour.

church officials were always suspicious of Kidman because her father was psychologist.

As Commander of the Feline Uprising I am going to wake you up by kneading incessantly on your chest at 4am until you feed me respect your opinion.

I started the booty song movement

There are people who think masturbation in a relationship constitutes cheating. Most of us refer to those people as "complete fucking lunatics."

I would have stuck my fingers in my vagina and painted fuck you with period blood on the wall, but I'm an animal.

How many viruses did the mosquito get from Lindsay?

Is this a reference to waffles?

I call them cat-snakes.

Give it a rest, Wesley. We get it - Taylor is so inauthentic and fake, unlike Katy who is an artiste who expresses her authentic self through her whipped cream-shooting nipples.

On paper, Beyoncé is the poster child for Huckabee's "Bubba culture" (that's what he called it on The Daily Show last night) values:

Check this part out:

Much art

Something about "conical manhandle" is just KILLING me. That is the perfect description!