
"What was it like, raising these two?"
"It has not been easy." and then later, "I know we have to take responsibility for them."


She's so embarrassed by those two. That's the glorious part of all this. You can just picture her sitting there watching this, afraid the neighbors are all seeing her children duke

Dear Moms of All Politicians Everywhere,

I wish every single pundit/politician on earth lived in fear of their mom calling them publicly on their shit.

My face during that video.

I picture the VS execs like this.


What??? *throws doorknob a ring out window, files for divorce*

Ok, Jez, please change the headline to say:

This is cute, but pug marriages are usually loveless arrangements. They are more about consolidating power and wealth between two pug houses.

If male nurses get so distracted by the female body, they may wish to reconsider their chosen profession...

Bloody hell, apparently nothing brings out the trolls like an obese woman with a positive body image. (I can spot a concern troll at a 100 yards - my mother is their queen.)