
@friendslikeJimRome: But could you find that wood out back in a dumpster for free? The article says that the guy found the wine crates for free, heading towards the trash. So therefore this desk is super cheap, not super expensive.

@32ndnote: Yeah, I was going to write a comment very similar to this. I use a shoulder bag for all my non-clothing stuff (laptop, sketchbook, accessories, etc), and I have a small suitcase that I can cram about 7 days worth of clothing into and stow in the overhead compartment. Having an extra bag really isn't that

These are gorgeous. It took me a couple seconds to recognize the Lemmings one, but it is now my favorite.

@infmom: Same here. I obsessively check my email every few seconds (At work I have the window minimized so I can mouse over it to check and at home I have gmail notifier) and it's gotten to be a problem. I'm trying to regiment myself to certain times of the day when I check, in an attempt to break my dependence, hah.

Yeah, this sounds like a good way to get your thoughts in order so you can more easily see a good solution for your decision. I'll keep this in mind if I am stuck on something. Maybe it will help nudge me in the right direction.

@Duncan Mowatt: This is a setup I desperately need for my own tablet. Thanks for the idea! Also: bonus points for the Who poster.

@phoenix: I haven't found any yet that you can order online and have them ship to you. All the ones I've seen will let you buy them online, but you still have to pick the items up at a store. Not so hot when the nearest store is 6+ hours away, hah.

@nicesocks: I'd be curious to see what those shelves would look like if you painted or put some colored contact paper on the inside. As it is now I'm with you, the white is kinda stale. I think some color would really liven up this space.

@Jagerkatze: Ikea's great unless you live in the midwest. I live in southern Missouri and the closet Ikea is in Texas. C'mon Ikea.

@dangerp: Ah, see that makes more sense. Those people absolutely do not need to be plunking down the money on a fancy new computer if they're not using it for anything other than a status symbol while they're digging themselves deeper and deeper into debt. This guy could totally be a super douchebag like you

@Josh Lewis: Wow, your well thought out, mature, and insightful comment has made me see the error of my ways. I am indeed pathetic.

@CapitalC: Same. It isn't as bad as lens flare offenses, but it's a pretty cheesy and pretty-immediately-recognizable-as-a-shoop trick. I wouldn't recommend it.

@jkrell: Do you know what they do for a job? Perhaps they need those three computers? Just because you have a small apartment doesn't mean you're poor.

@Don Southard: I just bought a new MBP and a Cintiq this year, and I live in a crap-ass teeny apartment and drive a dying car and I eat toaster waffles for my main source of food while watching a 12-inch TV I found in the garbage. I just value my workspace more than the rest of my living space. You don't have to have

@Andy Cairns: I was just thinking about that. What happens when the speakers crap out? I love the idea of custom-building a desk, but with every other thing that has electronics "built-in" I worry about what happens when the electronics break/become obsolete.

Oh man thanks so much for this. I've been trying to find a program to help me with my horrendous self-control issues when it comes to the internet, but all the ones I've seen before this one eliminated the entire internet, which I still need on occasion when I am working. This looks like it will be perfect for what I

@fjpoblam: My desk is a lazyboy recliner with a laptop on my lap and a tablet on my arm. I feel a little guilty being so comfortable while I am working.

My dumb cat would probably love this, seeing as he already climbs the ladder we have in our loft at every opportunity. Little turd just loves being as high up as possible.