
I think Sugar Bear's general state is slightly uncomfortable. Look at all the females he has to live with. Girls in beauty pageants, girls going through puberty, girls PREGNANT. His ability to only look slightly uncomfortable is a testament to his nature.

Yeah, they look adorable! I'm wondering how they managed the family photo shoot for it this time though, from what I remember of the fiasco their family photo episode was, when they were climing all over rocks!

I cried. Then again, I'm pregnant, so I also cried this morning when I realized we were out of cream cheese. But this is cute.

Agreed. I just saw him in "Macbeth" last month and am so totally into him right now.

I just lurve Alan Cumming, I think he is the keeyutest!! I want to eat him with a spoon!

That's my take on FMK as well PlentyOfPaper, to me Colin Farrell is the odd one out next to these two fine Jewish men. ;)

I don't watch GoT but this made me laugh way more than it should have.

I want some ANSWERS on this busty lady swimsuit thing. I scour the internet every year but only find ridiculously unflattering or unsupportive-looking suits (halters? COME ON) on not entirely busty models and I end up squeezing into something from target and getting a uniboob smush that I have to readjust every 10

This seems late to me.

I mean, Greek men turn into their fathers in their mid-twenties—-soon after they kill someone in a fight and then marry the Queen of Thebes.

On the saying "no" thing to people you don't want to give your number to, I usually just say that I have a boyfriend (which I do), but that I'm flattered they asked. That way you are kind of letting them down gently and you won't feel so bad.

I'd like to give a shout-out to the awesome people who keep scrolling all the way down to ensure that grey comments in the Open Threads get promoted. When I had a star, I loved giving the thumbs-up to comments in the more free-for-all OTs, and I know many others did the same. That this tradition continues makes me

42 year old geek dad here! Why don't you make a disposable email address on Gmail to give to guys. That way you can talk online for a bit and see if they are really interested, or if they just want to make you conquest of the week. Also, one night stands are fun sometimes, but YOU need to comfortable with the

The way you are is completely fine and valid. It makes total sense to want to expand your horizons and challenge yourself, but also have a knee-jerk reaction of not wanting to go through all this flirting crap and have one-night-stand or friends-with-benefits sex. It's not weird to wonder why someone would go after

Your feelings, what ever they happen to be at any given moment are valid. I get the whole cultural pressure, feeling unable to say no to a request from somebody I don't really want calling me thing. Memorize a number for a local pizza joint- give that instead. It's wicked passive aggressive, but when dealing with

I just pulled my apple brown sugar ghost pepper ribs out of the broiler. They look awe-some!

Oh, Captain Tightpants. How I miss thee.

One man over the age of 10 can pull off an Iron Man suit... coincidentally, it is a man many would like to pull it off of...

Yum! I like to reduce down equal parts chicken broth and white wine and add a splash of cream, thickening with some flour and butter (the french phrase eludes me), if needed. So yummy tossed with asparagus, caramelized shallots and pasta. I make a lot of pasta during the week! This would also be good over chicken and

Is it possible to mourn something you never had? Because I think that's the emotion I'm feeling right now...

Men read self help books too. Like this classic: