
I also don't really like the idea that it's a 'gift' for the father to take care of dishes or weekend night feedings after the birth. It's just doing your fair share! And since you can't split pregnancy/birth/breast-feeding 50/50 then men should obviously pick up some slack without calling it a freaking 'push

In the mormon church (Elizabeth Smart's church), there was the chewed gum lesson, but I got the licked cupcake lesson.

I had to do the cups full of colored water, where everyone would poor some of their different colored water in with yours and in the end you had a cup of strange color in college. It was suppose to illustrate how dirty you would end up if you shared your "cup" with everyone. I was smart about it though and only shared

Can't even keep reading. Backstreet? BACKSTREET?! How could you besmirch the name of an *NSyncer with a BSB reference? This cannot be borne.

There are two issues here, greys.

Yes, instead of their desperate arm-scratching to get out of the tub, you just get this resigned, "God, fuck everything, I'm staying still and waiting for this shit to be over. And my ears are down. Fuck off."

I swear, it works in the preview.

Wait, what? Where?

Daniel Dae YUM!

Exactly. Though I would be really, really tempted to tell everyone to come dressed as their favorite Doctor Who monster...

How do her fingers do that?

I am saving this gif. It so accurately describes my internal squee reaction without words.

As a straight man, I think I have the necessary distance to talk about this objectively. Now, obviously the political tensions between Saudi Arabia and the UAE are one factor, but I think dismissing the well documented link between hostility and repressed sexuality in highly masculized and patriarchal cultures is...

Agreed completely. I can't choose because OMG they are both so yummy.

Team Cast!

We need tshirts.

Oh hell yes.

Consider me a fellow Team Cast member. :)

Epic GIF choice! Kudos!