
but with a record and on probation. that is not a good deal

he was 15 then locked in a cage. he was probably warped to begin with, but was further damaged by the punishment.

you new to this country?

and what they are convicted of will not tell you if they are dangerous or not

President HR Clinton will not go after trump. Same reason President Obama ignored Cheney and Bush. it would look petty and alienate the children in congress.

i’m sorry. you are an idiot.

i think the supreme court is the key. If a Garland isn’t seated in the lame duck, blow it the fuck up

A solid portion of Democrats have committed to vote against Hillary as well.

i mean, sure that’s cool, but my dad is 80 and plays tennis twice a week.

did you ever notice how I dont say “this bullshit is fucking bullshit” in front of my kids? but I will say online that your bullshit is fucking bullshit?

fair enough, but its really stupid way to talk about people. and its 2016 and should stop.

do you drive for UBER or just work in the office?

provide ADA vehicles

and why should they? I don’t want my SoS cluttering her/his portfolio with login passwords

kezar used to be much bigger

well, they are on the naughty list

As the Mayor surely knows, since she voted for the agreements, the stadium does not use general fund money. 

it’s not about “looks.” Its about who pays who for wrongful death.

well, the families are very interested in whose fault i was. the wrongful death suits depend on whose money the heirs will be taking.

i...i agree with his take on that terrible station.