one assumes fox put him there to promote some shit on fox
one assumes fox put him there to promote some shit on fox
and the whie sox in the teens
you really want to review footage of a cop taking a shit?
cubs were one bullpen meltdown from trouble. a game 5 against cueto would have been tough
how about tier 1 college sports, tier 2 actual development leagues paid for by the NFL and NBA.
i do think it helped that Miller was the 8th inning guy in no Runs DMC.
I live in San Francisco, we have a bullshit conservative opposition party, they call themselves “Democrats” and its how we get shitheads like gavin newsom and Kamala Harris
(also Cueto v lester, so you aren’t just trump, you have logic and data to support that)
problem is its mostly the same bullpen from 2012. You just can’t do that
well, I mean they won a “series.” They won game three and were well well on the way to icing game 4 when there was a total collapse for the last 3 outs. And if they had won, My money was on Cueto over lester.
not having replay in 2010 Atlanta series? yup
both “National Treasure” Tom Hamilton and “International Treasure” Jerry Howarth are fantastic. I give a slight edge to Jerry in play by play and listening pleasure, but Tom is great at drama.
i am not sure she attacked them in a way that is materially different than the way any spouse word.
if that isn’t going to endear herself to young people, i don’t know what will
that is basically no difference.
were you born after 2001? or 2014? or 1997?
nice edit. and look at the 4 dudes directly to his left. all looking straight at him
public defender.
I think you need to rethink the “claps” gag