
my, aren’t you popular!

its funny that you did your research and EVERYONE else is wrong.

good solidly researched comeback.

but why?

or “just seen:...”

rape is very specific. I don’t think on these facts they could charge rape.

i don’t disagree with you. but picking nits, I don’t think the increase in drones is that illuminating. I think [president in 2000- 2015] increases drone usage.

its the price you pay for living in the US. deal with it

i have passed 2 presidential motercades on 280, and not been delayed 1.5 hours.

take a helicopter to where?

didn’t turn out so bad ass for the last guy

to biking like an idiot? maybe.

how was it clear he wasn’t a threat before the motorcade?

nope, the first cops seem to be ordering him to lay on the ground. he does not. he is still upright. his hands could do anything in the literally seconds before the president drove by.

no. that is a cold take.

69th by the home team. there have been more

Presumably, adults like Turner’s lawyers and parents vetted this statement carefully and agreed with it,


not to be the travelling guy, but it always bugged me that they only count the Giant’s HRs in their “splash hits”

team no one