I wouldn’t call them unfilmable, but John Scalzi’s novels are begging for adaptations! The Old Man’s War series, and Lock In are wonderful worlds to explore, and Android’s Dream would be absolutely hilarious.
Incidentally, the U.S. also has a declining birth rate.
I see all of your unfilmable novels here and in the comments, and I raise you:
Earthsea had a major impact on me, and I’m still pissed that it was bungled so badly by the SciFi Channel.
Some aspect is due to corporate hellscape that korea turned into. you have to be highly performing student and later high performing, long hours working workers to survive.
one thing around this issue that I wish it was more appreciated is foster care, incentives for more kids is something that only work in future terms, but orphans are here now and they deserve better services, the best services possible
Tunnel trains for tots - right in Musky’s wheelhouse. Bring on the subsidies! Powered by falcon rockets, too.
This would be my choice too.
I’m guessing we never get a film of Stranger In a Strange Land until Scientology abandons Hollywood.
And now when we know where the train lines are going we can expect the real estate to go thru the roof in those places too.
I’ve been rereading the Red Mars/Green Mars/Blue Mars trilogy these last couple of weeks and kept thinking, “damn, these would make for a great tv series.” All the criticism of transnational/metanational corporations probably wouldn’t endear it to most media conglomerates, unfortunately.
It would be wonderful for the environment if we could just gracefully decline in population.
But so many of the basic underpinnings of our economy are depending on growth, which is created and sustained by the increasing population. We are kind of stuck in a Ponzi scheme loop right now, and having a reduction in…
Both Japan and Korea also have the problem of men having ‘traditional’, deeply sexist ideas of what they want their relationships to be, and women like having their own careers and money, and don’t want to be abused housewives like their mothers were. That’s in addition to the fact that they can’t really afford it…
So things would get crowded more slowly and we’d still get more open space and opportunities for wildlife outside of India and China, although IIRC China is about to start, if not already has, entered into its own population decline. It is Africa where the biggest growth is, but for the rest of the world, a managed…
It’s that, but not just that.
Something something socialism something something the poor something something libruls
Have we considered just learning to live with lower birth rates until the world gets back down to the less crowded four-five billion again? Apart from anything else, it’d be better for the planet and for the workforce who would be able to get paid more again.
It’s very simple: no money, no honey.