
Deftones- Minerva

If people think The Scarlet Letter is “puritanical", they're clearly missing the point and don't understand who the protagonist and villain are.

Considering how much hucksterism and grift Trumpism involves, I’m sure he’ll do just fine. My theory is just that he sees a vein to be mined and is readying his pickaxe.

I didn't like Jamie Sheridan very much, primarily because the Flagg of the book is gleeful and darkly humorous, while Sheridan didn't seem like he had a good grasp on that aspect of the character. IMHO, of course. 

Ha! Nicely done. I like when commenters come out and play. 

It’s three months even further down the road, and I agree.

You should follow this with an examination of all the times Denzel has been "Frank".

My first name is Phoenix, so I’m hardly in any position to throw stones, personally. No part of the rest of my name makes it sound less like a TV name, either.

I like Shia LaBeouf. Don't @ me.

I know a lot of people liked Russian Doll, but I don’t get the appeal. It was well-acted, but I guess it just wasn’t for me.

Yeah, I'm all in for this.

There’s no beef in here, so you wouldn’t really call it bell peppers and beef, would you? 

If you’ve never heard him on the radio show I Regress as an unorthodox and not particularly helpful psychotherapist, it's well worth tracking down. Great co-stars, too.

Don’t forget Dixon Bainbridge of The Mighty Boosh.

It's equally terrible and amazing.

There was the whole email situation in which his trans costars said they weren’t going to let him “ruin [their] show” prior to any of the allegations. I think they were mad a cisgendered male was playing the lead and wanted to get him thrown out. Mostly because that’s what they were saying before any allegations were

The bubble can’t be too far from finally bursting, can it? It feels past due.

Seems like you people weren’t familiar with the panicky masterpiece that is A Fever Dream by Everything Everything.

Welcome the the AV Club’s new feature, HateSongHate.

I’ve never seen the appeal of Steven Universe. I’ve gathered that it has something to do with not being prone to obsessiveness given that the people I know who are *way* into it are about the only people I know who like it at all.