
Here I thought they’d try remaking Metal Gear 1 with the Fox Engine.

Titled - ‘The Metal Gear Franchise.’

As a gastroenterologist who has read Wheat Belly, sorry to let you know that it’s the worst kind of pseudoscience imaginable. Nothing in it is real for non-celiac patients. However, you’re not wrong. Cutting out wheat (and therefore lowering carb intake) will help most people lose weight and eat more protein,

Wow, I researched wheat belly and learned all about the scam! Keep your 2 cents, btw.

Oh, I don’t begrudge her at all. I’m sure that if I was in her position, I would probably assume it was about that as well. I’m amazed she even keeps an internet presence these days, I definitely wouldn’t be brave enough to do that.

The real news is that Nintendo just up and said Gamergate is a “hate campaign,” which any supporter will gladly remind me it’s not before running into a 10 tweet expletive about how much of a farking moron I am.

I don’t think so.

Chicken poop will keep you from licking your lips when they are chapped but I’m not going to do that either. LOL

Good Golden Axe 2 cosplay. 10/10.

right.... because my disdain for this person equates the same as him insulting multiple people over disabilities.

Fuck this kid and his enabling parents.

I bought this on release day, and haven’t put too much time on it since. Not because it’s a bad game, far from it, but because of the amount of rage it induces.

One skill that I think it great to learn (and maybe even master) in your 20s is being a good host. Part of that is being prepared by having easy to put together snacks/drinks in your pantry so you don’t have to run to the store every time someone comes over. Part of that is also having enough extra supplies (towels,

She may not have had anything to do with these decisions, but she’s a woman and a feminist, and therefore a prime target for GamerGate’s wrath.

Who the fuck said anything about “triggering elements”?

But... but she’s a woman! It’s got to be her fault!

Even if you don’t like those things, she had nothing to do with them. She did no work on FE:F. Which you’d know if you’d bothered to even read the article.

It’s very telling that Neo Nazis and racists are supporters of the Gamergate agenda.

I think companies really need to get out of the habit on firing people because the internet demands a sacrifice. It only encourages people to continue using toxic behaviors to push their agendas.

Used it on an ATM and now I have to worship it in madness forever and ever. Thanks Obama!