
Yay! It's here! SNS! I literally have been clicking back and forth between here and GT. Then I convinced myself it's Friday. Then I realized I missed Fuck It Friday on GT, which is where this post really belongs.

Why, oh WHY, of all nights, is tonight when my internet is too laggy to load video!!??!


I'm overseeing some coworkers for a project, and I'm getting impatient with the fact that every time I set a deadline, two of them blatantly just don't meet it. Like, we'll be sitting in a meeting, I'll say, "OK, now pull out [thing that we were supposed to prepare for today, that I've been reminding them about for

Suggestions for ways to spend a reflective birthday? I won't be able to do much because I have exams just a few days afterward, but I want to mark the day thoughtfully. I'll be turning 28, so will be officially in my late 20s, and this has been a really weird year for me. All ideas are appreciated!

I did my first 5k today, and my knee cooperated! And it was with a meet-up group, and some of the people seemed really cool—a couple of them were also people who moved to town around the same time I did. I am now motivated to keep up with the running...hopefully I can get to the point where I can run the whole thing

I showed this clip when I taught Intro to Western Art, the day I taught stuff like Pont du Gard and all the far-flung Roman stuff. None of my students had ever seen it before :(

I just made this Indian dal thing in a packet that you heat up because I'm a forever-lazy. Tastes awful. Then again, I did buy it in the organic section of the CVS. But, I expected more from you, organic!! *shakes fist*

I have the flu y'all and here is why is am hella mad about it.
I had a sick student come into my office earlier this week. She said she wasn't feeling well, so I asked her nicely to leave. We agreed we would submit early action stuff on Thursday if she was better. Well on Thursday her grandmother called and let us know

Did anyone see any clever costumes during Halloween festivities this weekend? The best one I saw was a dude dressed as the Pixar lamp. He even had bouncy things on his shoes and was hopping up and down the street. Amazing.

Ugh. Thanks for bringing this up. I always have the worry lurking in my mind that people like Cleese, whose work I very much enjoy, have this cruelty in them. This shit is fucked. Fuck you and your "Englishness." Fuck my countrymen and their "Americanness." Your white supremacy is showing in your flag-waving.

I'm trying to take a break from dating. I say TRYING because it's so hard for me to NOT look at OKC and Craigslist. I de-activated my account on OKC for 3 days and then I caved. How do I survive this?

I was in NY this past weekend so I went to see 12 years a slave. whoa. I have seen alot of slavery movies but this is the first one where I had to fight vomiting instead of just plain crying. If you've seen it let's talk because there is so much I still need to talk and process about it.

today was much better then yestarday :)))

Thanks to all for the advice last night re: my boyfriend being allergic to my kitty! He is taking meds for it but I'm going to get an air filter for the bedroom too. On to the next!
Has anyone dealt with significant others having erection problems? My boyfriend can get hard and can eventually orgasm (maybe half of the

Ugh i hate John Cleese, he is a vile racist and is hated here in the UK (well he loved by Daily Fail but they are in the minority), he now lives in California with all his racist right-wing American friends, he can stay there.

Just got my schedule fir this week. I'm working a whopping two days. Any suggestions on what to do for all that free time? ...besides drinking...and reading...

I could use some good vibes and/or adorable animal GIFs/videos. I just got word this past week that surgery is the only option labral tear in the left hip that I will need 3-6 months to fully recover from :(

Follow up from yesterday's post.

I am putting together a presentation on "Mary-Sue" characters in modern pop culture, and I need some good relevant examples. I am for sure going to be talking about Bella from the Twilight series as well as Clary from the Mortal Instruments books, but I am drawing a blank for more examples. For TV, I was thinking