
So I've been vegetarian since the beginning of February (which is a very new thing for me, I usually love meat but my school fails at cooking it). I've only had meat twice since then, and both times I've had horrible stomach cramps hours later. Was this related to the meat? And if so, HELP, because I love meat and I

I'm honestly not sure; I'm using my college's services, and the person there did refer me to a professional place in town. The school person did suggest anti depressants, but I'll have to wait until the professional appt to find out more about those.

Ice cream is fantastic—preserves can also be delicious on top of ice cream. Vanilla ice cream with strawberry freezer jam! Nothing beats it.

The 'about' link at the bottom has a link to it.

I hear you so much, this time of year is awful. Many hugs. I'm currently trying counselling for it, hoping that it works somehow.

No one wants panic attacks when I'm supposed to be being useful.

If it's an issue, like it was for me today, I usually just up and state that I have a phobia and get panic attacks. After I mentioned that, the person did stop talking about it a lot, at the very least, and I was ok for the rest of the time.

I think I had a small mental breakdown tonight, and I'm not sure how I'm going to be able to face the rest of this weekend and the next few weeks.

I think this was because I was eating better than I'd ever been in my life; we were very careful about food. Everything was fresh, lots of vegetables and fruit, portions were a lot smaller than they tend to be in the US, and a lot of the spices used (turmeric especially) are supposed to be very healthy. I still have

This was me a few years ago; after a summer's worth of testing I was finally diagnosed with gastroparesis, which is when your stomach empties much slower than it should; it causes discomfort, nausea, and irritation from acid buildup. I was on pretty strong antacids and a muscle stimulant for a year, then a trip to

For anyone who's confused about why this is a problem, it's because most horses that are slaughtered for meat were formerly companion animals, and not raised their whole lives for meat. This makes it a lot harder to control what might be in horse meat. One of the biggest problems is a drug called bute, which is given

I think it's more from thinking about rape a bit (women's studies classes will do that to you—I also did bystander training recently), and realizing that rape is a very real problem that will probably affect me or someone I'm close to in my lifetime, and becoming very aware of that, and becoming more affected

I already checked wikipedia, read up a bit on the real life case it was based off of. It definitely sounds like it'll be a very interesting movie.

Can anyone tell me about the rape scene from the film The Accused? I'm watching it for a class soon, and I'm pretty nervous—I was told it is very graphic and hard to watch.

Ok, help here? In the context of using a concept to analyze a text, is the correct spelling 'lens' or 'lense'? I always think of 'lens' as the piece of glass used for optics, and I think of 'lense' as the thing that you analyze through. Is it a question of UK/US spellings? Or am I just wrong entirely?

PM'd you on

I'd recommend drawing from some reference photos, in that case. It's a really great way to improve, and as you become more proficient with anatomy and such, you can begin to create original poses (ref photos can still be a great help here).

I'm actually a more productive artist during finals week than at any other point. It's the procrastination talking.

I've always said that anyone can become an artist with enough practice and the drive to learn.

I always had my suspicions about whether the costume designers for ST were high on something. I never really knew what to make of a lot of the early DS9 costumes either.