
“I could take him”

Hello no haters please and thank you

“We need to accept these refugees escaping persecution with open arms.”

The Redskins wishing anyone a Happy Thanksgiving is like Jason Pierre Paul giving free piano lessons...

Hell, I’d like to thank institutional racism. Wouldn’t be here today without it.

Step 1: Preheat Oven to 325 degrees

YASSSSS. I can’t wait for this movie.

I’m hoping for those caftans to at least be Lacroix!

I hope he gets all of it.

Home for the Pauladays?

Right? It could practically be the cover for the Robin Thicke Christmas album that nobody wants.

It’s uncanny.

..and then 253 pages of ‘ha ha ha ha ha...’

I was not aware of this distinction! Thank you for teaching me something today. :)

I would respect her more if she just wrote, “The key to having the body you want is a bank account that can get you there” and then nothing else.

I don’t mean to be a dick, but nutritionist =/= expert. Anyone can call themselves a nutritionist. A dietitian is an expert. They’re not even close to the same thing.

Quick, throw it back!

It makes me sad that there are kids today who wouldn’t know who Bob Ross is. So thank goodness for stuff like this.

As a practicing oncologist, the statement “he begins by announcing that his cancer is down from ‘stage three to stage two’” is a huge red flag. Staging is done up-front at diagnosis and is never re-evaluated or changed during treatment. You can be cured or die from both stage II and III non-Hodgkins lymphoma, but your