
The wild part is that this is a question that has been asked internally at automakers for years.

He’s like an old crusty Play Doh extrusion machine. When the Play Doh finds a place to squeeze out, it’s all mangled and full of old crusty leavings.

I’m a former automotive engineer and designer for a car company you know.

I run a medium sized company in the US.

Maserati is on here so many times because they started selling cheap versions of their cars to rental car companies.

You’re not wrong but it also doesn’t make sense for the family to have profited so much from his name and story then pay him $0.

You can see that a few boxes were opened. They probably went snooping, realized what they were, realized that no one was watching the inventory, and made the snap decision to try and bolt with them.

I used to run a group of interconnected companies, one of which was a landscape supply company.

I used to listen to him a long time ago. He basically just brought every-man commentary to topics that had obviously not been tainted at all by pundits of the day.

And that’s if something like this even got on the ballot. Getting 5% of registered voters from all 88% states who voted in the last gubernatorial election is insanely difficult.

The 60% requirement wasn’t the part that people took the most issue with.

I never understand why anyone cares where other people’s great-great-great grandparents are from.

Catering to the lowest common denominator is how you ensure the best chance of success.”

Didn’t put Krema or Crazy Richard’s on that list.

I certainly don’t oppose others paying for the service but I’m not into paying for a thing when the content was given to the company for free and I’m the product.

I’m an engineer that worked in automotive design for several years and I’m now the NA President of a B2B customer product company. I’m in this position because I’ve been very successful at coming up with solutions to ideas and bringing that solution to reality very quickly and cost efficiently (and on time).