Is that a photo of them in Blanche Devereaux’s bedroom?
Is that a photo of them in Blanche Devereaux’s bedroom?
All this week, J.K. Rowling has been publishing History of Magic in North America, one part a day for four days.…
Smart and fair.
I don’t want to wear anything that’s worth more to someone than my life.
All of those things you said. Perhaps this is something she is comfortable with. It strikes me as completely backwards. I find him completely unpalatable and he lacks substance. His interview with Bryant Gumble solidified for me that he is completely and utterly bullshit.
That is weird; she knows this is is still going through with it?.. That quote comes off as self-important, infantilizing (lead her, really?) and slightly psychotic.
Thanks for the google assist ;-) Admittedly I was being lazy. But, like, what’s the point in this celibacy nonsense if you’ve already been there and done it. Seems unnecessary in in my humble opinion.
Blahhhh. Just... blah.
I can hear Murphy Brown saying “why is she wearing an ice rink on a very important finger?”
hope they're happy. But he is still creepy as shit. I leave the below as my evidence
Fellow straight lady here, would not kick her out of bed.
Just once I wish a celeb would keep their original face :(
He was married previously and then became celibate after the divorce. Which, man. I don’t think I could hold out that long with Ciara, and I’m a (mostly) straight lady.
Convinced he gave her a ring pop because HOW IS A DIAMOND THAT BIG.
I think it’s hilarious that she tagged the wrong person. @DangRussWilson is not Russell Wilson. It’s some other dude, with a hilarious bio. To be fair, Russell Wilson’s handle is very similar (@dangerusswilson)
CUTE! I wonder what the ring is gonna.....
Why would he visit that asshole in jail?
I just saw a Facebook fail that read:
Here’s the issue. There is an entire continent here, that was once filled with a wide variety of people, all with different cultures and belief systems, who had their own complicated internal and external politics, including intertribal wars. All of these complex belief systems, all of these cultures, were condensed…
I think we’ve got an empathy as well as an intellectual integrity fail here. Congrats.