Not only is this guy a complete and total shithead...this situation has me rooting for the <looks around....whispers> the Nationals.
Not only is this guy a complete and total shithead...this situation has me rooting for the <looks around....whispers> the Nationals.
LOL too late, fuckers. The baseball gods are displeased and I hope you’re unceremoniously dispatched by the Nats ASAP.
He’s a role model for every high school kid, surviving a cock block on the way to second base.
This story was not done right, where are you getting this shit? How they keep thinking they can do a Dark Phoenix heel turn without even properly building her up as Phoenix says all it really needs to. Can’t wait to see what Marvel can do with this property, as they know that these arcs take time and care to be…
It’s a very literal metaphor for the Bay Area that an old rich capitalist guy is pushing out the PoC talent that makes the location at all enjoyable.
So surprising that even an owner of this team is complete fucking asshole! Again, I am shocked!
“I don’t know what kind of business you’re in, but I tell ya what, if I was a head of a newspaper, and you didn’t do your job, you’d be held accountable.”
But also the most spot-on.
a site for boys who wanna grow up to be Donald Trump Jr.
this was the Studio 54 principle at play
He should have stuck with fencing.
Unless you have a strong love of beefy minor-league catchers and/or guys who spent six years in the Phillies’ farm…
Giselle, 2012: “My husband cannot fucking throw the ball and catch the ball at the same time.”
Tom Brady: somehow the one white guy on the Pats who *can’t* catch a pass
Co-signed. I do not understand why tattoos are so popular... trashy as hell. I can’t think of anything I love enough (and I’m almost 33 not 23 like Bieber) that I’d feel confident saying, “yep, I’m going to love this symbol of x on my body my whole life” and I have a *child* that I love with all my heart! Let alone…
It makes me wonder what kind of person eats in the bathroom, for one.
I like your theory, but I feel very confident he hasn’t figured out how to remove the “Sent from my iPhone” default.
Let the motherfucker burn.
Oh god I so hope this is the opening volley in the labor battle that destroys the NFL
Every once in a while I see something like this and think “OH, that’s why most of the world hates us. Right”