
I use the hot setting so FUCK YOU!!

I cant wait for him to get old and sloppy, that tattoo outlining his man tits will look great when that shit starts folding over.

Yeah fuck liberals and their desire for the access to the most basic and essential necessity for life. Fuck your communist H2O. Free market water is the best water, taste like liberal tears. You raging douche bag. I’ll admit this place is liberal shit hole, coming from one, but your hanging your hat on an article

I don’t drink Nestle bottled water anyway it tastes like chemical laden shit. Poland springs or get the f@ck out. Seriously though i feel absolutely terrible when i throw two 30 packs of bottled water onto my shopping cart, at least they’ve made the bottles super thin and less wasteful. I need to just drop the dough

Holyfield is such an uncle tom, he should of wooped Romneys old privileged white ass. Instead he’s rolling around the mat like a douche bag trying to boost that tools ego.

People with hard ons for the military are the worst, there hasn’t been a defensive war in almost 80 years, and the idiots who still walk around wanting to be called heroes because they’ve helped slaughter a bunch of foreign brown skin people in their own back yard. If you weren’t in WW2 shut the fuck about it.

German engineering

Hey boysss

I’m not a lawyer here, but if I were a fighter I’d be on the phone with mine right now. Would this negate any existing contract that a fighter has with the UFC. It’s pretty much adding scope and changing the pay structure of the agreement. I’d be reading the fine print and trying to nullify any contract I had with the

Man your a huge pussy with no spine, so you should be treated like a criminal even if you’ve done nothing wrong. Do you pay women to tie you up and kick you in your balls with their high heels?

I tried

Lebron is an over emotional bitch, give it up Lebron no ones gonna choose you over Micheal

Haha Russia is such a ghetto shit hole. If the people were smart they’d get Putin out of there as soon as they could. It’s unfortunate but he plays to the same patriotic bull shit alot of American politicians are guilty of as well. Blind patriotism is bad people!

If you need a discount to be able to buy it, you can’t afford it.

Yeah it’s a tough problem. The 2017 flying car it gets 15 mpg, can’t go over 70 without veering off the road and will probably kill when you get into a fender bender in mid air. Who the hell invests in this.

Might want to push back that release date LMAO.

I’m going to have to second you continuing to ghost read. Your far too sensitive.

Lol at Kanye still being so self conscious, is that why he has to constantly proclaim he’s the best at everything.

Haha I’m just trying to bust some balls. And your right it’s closer to PRO floor hockey haha.

I’d also like to recognize Elvis the inventor of Rock and Roll. Thank You