
The only thing that should matter is if Espinal feels safe, and, if not, whether she has a support system ready and able to help her get closer to safety.

And here I’ve been just stuffing it up my butt like a real jerkwad

Draconian? Yep. But how frickin dumb do you have to be to try to get weed through an airport security checkpoint in something disguised to look like something else they wouldn't let you through with anyway? That's like trying to smuggle a crack pipe that looks like a gun.

Please tell me he didn’t try to bring a fake can of iced tea filled with weed in his carry-on bag. 

“[H]er sport’s federation is trying to force her to lower them with medication so that she’ll fit some baseless, science-free definition of a woman.” 

At least you got to go home and listen to Santa Monica, after the draft you just go home with...regret?

The one that’s dying off will still vote in 2020

These conversations are good, and for the next year, I hope we have them and we all fight like hell on behalf of the candidate we wish to represent the party.

Sorry, but this seems off-base. It sounds like it was thoroughly investigated. But when it is a couple that basically won’t cooperate, you can’t exactly just charge them with something.

I’d like to think he used the word “pedestrian” in a 200 word run on sentence that also praises Gerard Delofeu for some reason

And as everyone marveled at the dogs ability noted human buzzkill and self proclaimed football expert Billy Haisley jumped in and labeled the canine’s soccer skills “pedestrian”. Soon a wave of boos rained over Billy’s every spoken word 

I love that the dog keeps a backup toy in his mouth. Dogs are the best!

Maybe I’m biased because he seems so likable, but calling Juan Mata a flop seems extremely harsh. He wasn’t brought in with the same expectations as the others you named, and he’s now played for them for twice as long as he played for Chelsea. He has to be one of their longest serving players and more importantly

The more one player makes the less the rest make. The league pays all the players vaguely the same amount every year. If one player makes more, that means less of that percentage of revenue for every one else. If more money guaranteed and a player gets hurt, that means less money for those actually playing the games.

Yeah, I also don’t get this line:

“The rules are too hard to understand, so there should just be no rules.”

It’s “VAR made the right call, so despite any other legitimate criticism of the system, this article is like 1000 words longer than it needs to be.”

lemme get this straight: one of the problems with VAR is that correct decisions seems confusing to people who don’t know the rules and/or dont have access to the replay

This is spot-on — Lou Williams didn’t do it single-handedly, but it sure seemed that way at the time. For a whole bloody quarter, and more.

I’m old.  Please forgive me.  I’ll be dead soon enough.