
Sometimes, when shopping with my wife, she’ll pick up a shirt or whatever and say it looks great, then pick up another and declare it “hideous”, and I’m honestly just baffled. They all usually look fine to me, and I don’t ever see the big difference that makes one good and the other terrible.

Yeah, this one is a bit more nebulous than Olivia Jade. According to the linked story, he had straight As from a top private school, a “near-perfect” SAT, and a legacy connection through his mother. Under normal circumstances, an admission like that wouldn’t raise eyebrows. Still, no way the university is going to

I mean, seems a bit shady, but overall it seems much more a misdemeanor compared to the other stories. The kid seems like he legitimately participates in the sport and has a ~.500 record at the college level. He also was apparently a National Merit Scholar commended student. So, while his dad may have bought his way

And this is why style guides are important. Should probably read like this

When did Deadspin change from dongs to dingers?

It’s stunning to me that anyone would even start a venture like this without at least 5 seasons worth of burn ready to go. It’s never going to take off in one season. I mean shit, they haven’t even had a go at the top undrafted talent from an NFL draft.
An idea this huge would never make money year one, but I’d have

In the AAF, the people are represented by two separate yet equally important groups. The players who were suckered into wasting months of their life, and the owners who will somehow cash out and profit on an obvious disaster. These are their stories.

Next you’re gonna tell me that Jesus Christ couldn’t hit a curve ball. 

Jordi Evole: What about Cristiano Ronaldo?

Crippling debt? $17k? For college? Where did you learn math? Yes, the whole system is broken and the players deserve something in return. But a $17k loan? Crippling debt? C’mon man.

Seriously. He was effectively a student who then walked onto the team. I don’t know if the author thinks that entitles him to have that $17k forgiven? Nothing about him having to pay 17k for that year seems at all unfair - and the fact that his shot in this game makes the coach or school a bunch of money in 2019 (his

“crippling debt.” Uh, sure. For the rest of his career he’s having every cent of his schooling paid for. I would have gladly had to have to had taken out one year of loans to get three full years paid for in return. Instead our current payment plan has us student loan free when I turn 61 (and we got aid), AND the

Let’s not get carried away. $17k is a used car loan, not exactly “crippling debt”. 

Again, he had scholarships to go and play elsewhere. He and his family chose to shoulder this debt. Broken system or not.

So...he’s got a student loan. Who doesn’t? He was offered scholarships, and turned them down. He made a choice. If he ends up in the NBA I’m sure a $17,000 loan won’t be s problem.

The actual sports analysis on this website is borderline embarrassing at this point. I still love the site which still has alot to offer, but actual sports analysis is not it.

Yeah I’m thrilled Duke lost but this is an extremely strange article. He is a star player who missed a good look at a three and a free throw. I get that Zion is fun and good but nothing in that game seemed especially egregious to me.

I’m legitimately disturbed that this article made it past editors. A truly gross hit-piece that is neither warranted or deserved.

The whole piece is bizarrely salty. It reads like it was written by Zion’s uncle or something. Zion didn’t attack after a pick and roll and passed RJ the ball on a must score possesion. RJ missed a pretty good look. With very little time left after the out of bounds, RJ attacked and drew a foul. Doing so in that

And Michigan State certainly deserves credit