I love going to Coyote Ugly in Panama City FL, it’s the only place in the South to get a taste of the only place in the Big Apple to get a taste of the South.
I love going to Coyote Ugly in Panama City FL, it’s the only place in the South to get a taste of the only place in the Big Apple to get a taste of the South.
It would be much better if he just promised a bunch of crap that will never pass senate in 100 years, because the splinter child bloggers know thats how governance really works.
a simple trade request in private.
One time in high school I saw two football players messing with a regular dude at a party. The regular dude proceeded to beat the living shit out of them at the same time. Not one after the other, at the same time. hospital bad. They even broke a beer bottle over his head before the beating. It was brutal.
what idiot called it Rath allegedly “touched an adult woman against her will on intimate parts of her body for the purpose of sexual arousal and gratification” and not The Gropes of Rath
The guy works in a highly-speculative and always shifting business - it’s gonna happen.
Breaking: ESPN in Conversations with Gawker Media about Deadspin Editorial Control
This is a strange comment. Sure America is fucked up in many ways, but terrorism is hardly an American only blight. Stop trying so hard.
To Mickelson’s credit, his daughter was the valedictorian of her HS class. There was plenty of fuss made over him dropping out of the US Open in 2017 because he wanted to attend her graduation instead.
People knew that the rich bought their way into the elite schools; I think the shock is the use of a middleman, elaborate cheating schemes, and bribing what is effectively the “middle-management” at the colleges rather than just paying for a new library. After all, Yale could use an international airport.
You think the cheating stopped once they got in? How are your friends Santa Claus, Tooth Fairy, and Eater Bunny doing?
He’s plenty smart. Just not very wise.
Westbrook is a completely stacked athletic marvel who would absolutely whip the shit out of Mr. Keisel. I pull you out of the grays to say as much, and in hopes of a good ol’ fashion pile-on from others.
I am pretty sure bribery and corruption are not limited to capitalist societies.
To further your analogy, what you’re saying is that the sandwich itself is at fault instead of your decision to leave it out. Canada has college athletics. The UK has college athletics. Japan has college athletics. The issue isn’t the existence of college athletics, it’s that everything in America gets put through the…
Should we also ban ACTs and SATs? Because they can’t handle oversight of their people either.
They only tangentially enter in. This didn’t involve student athletes or schools faking test scores to make athletes eligible. It involved parents faking high school athletic careers for their kids to get the into colleges. And while the college coaches took bribes (which is illegal), those bribes didn’t affect the…
The problem isn’t college athletics as a concept, the problem is that like a lot of things Americans think that if a little bit of something is good, then ten million times as much must be better.