
They caught up to the fan in the altercation:


That’s “wives,” Russ.

Is it ironic that the police ended up taking his photo anyway?

I’m really starting to think this guy’s a jerk.

The ensemble looks like a composite of a Colombian drug lord above the waist and a Soundcloud rapper on the bottom.

When asked what influenced their decision to quit, the dogs responded that weather conditions became too ruff. 

Delonte West already tried this. Didn’t really work out for him.

This is ridiculous. Kids don’t belong in locker rooms or at press conferences. Ask Steph Curry.

I love the old “Blame it on the insurance” card. We use that one all the time with little league.

I’ve never been more disappointed to not see someone cleated in the skull by multiple people.

Who the hell starts a fight with a headbutt?

Bills fans this morning are destroying property, calling Brown racial slurs and drunkenly getting into fistfights so, you know, you can just imagine how they’ll react when they hear about this.

Nah, she was adopted by one of the Sherpas, so unless he has a fenced-in suburban yard in Kathmandu, she’s still probably hanging out and climbing mountains. And her name was changed to reflect that she climbed the mountain.

The trouble is, there is a general (if tacit) agreement that we all want to maintain gender segregation in sports—for legal and moral reasons outlined in depth, for decades, during the fight to establish Title IX protections. Basically, if we’re working out of only one pool that’s open to all athletes, the vast

If you are going to have separate men’s and woman’s categories, you need to have a way to separate men and woman. If you do it by biological sex you are transphobic (and biological sex can’t be determined 100% of the time because it isn’t purely binary). If you do it by declared gender than you have cis-females who

Strong second that she is being deliberately misleading here. From the linked journal article: “With the exception of the experiments performed by sports scientists in the former German Democratic Republic (2), and for obvious ethical reasons, no supplementation studies have been officially conducted so far in healthy

“In other words, while seeking to prove that women with naturally high testosterone have an unfair advantage over their competitors, Bermon admits no one has actually studied the effects of testosterone on women’s athletic performance. Instead, he assumes that because female athletes have used synthetic testosterone,

The very existence of women’s categories as separate from men’s is to help low testosterone athletes.

It isn’t an obsession. Allowing men to compete with women will be the end of women’s sports. For all intents and purposes Semenya has the biological makeup of a man. I’m sorry that it isn’t fair for her, but life isn’t fair for a lot of people.

No it was not. People like you just continually, and I have to assume intentionally, miss the key issues at play here.