
Semen Leaves Lab Prematurely

He starts thus screed defending Penn State leadership being unfairly attacked, when they too did not go to the cops.

I was going to go with “trying to get fired to collect unemployment.”

The position I get put in is my wife has a good relationship with her parents and that has lead her to believe the two of us and our kid can have a similar one with my mother. My response is always the same:

Completely agree. Deadspin should shut down Kinja so I don’t have to read all the dummy commentators who disagree with the site’s point of view.

Football is for cops. 

As a judge, I can say that this is legal.

Say we’re drowning in dongs and juiced balls, you coward.

Kind of wish this happened yesterday.

It only works if the joke goes beyond ref cosplay! Wear sunglasses! A white cane with a red top! A damn money bag or some dumb shit.

Now just make it semi-opaque instead of a full black bar across the bottom of the screen.

I think it actually could work but mainly for transporting goods. Unlike trains/hyperloop, air travel is flexible and can change based on interest and human behavior. In other words, one plane can travel to various end points based on the travel needs of many.

This f’n clownshow of a division.

The sweet spot is probably 250 miles of real coverage; but 300 would be the ideal; with a charging network that can handle a 15-minute recharge.

Brooks doing his best Franzen impersonation with about the same outlook of the youths.

The real fingers were inside us all along. 

CORRECTION: A date without a butt-fingering sounds fairly routine and boring.

Xenoblade X has no port nor an announcement for one.

🎶🎵Are you ready

What a horrible incident to have happened, but the best solution for a racist moment like this is to move on and fuhgettaboutit.